
The company was founded in 1923. Our goals: Continuous improvement, quality, team work, technology. Our vision: Our Team strives to be recognized as one of the front-runners in the world of Oriental tobacco suppliers. Mission: In pursuit of consolidating our market leadership as the top exporter of Macedonian Oriental tobacco, we will meet the future challenges by operating under a set of values and goals. Number of employees currently:145 permanent; 500-600 seasonal. Socotab DOOEL Bitola is part of SocotabFrana Group which acts as the commercial, operational, and financial center. Socotab DOOEL Bitola is one of the three factories besides those in Turkey and Bulgaria.


What type of products/services does the company produce?

We process Oriental leaf tobacco.


What are the main products/raw materials that your company purchases?

Green (raw) Oriental leaf tobacco.


What type of products/raw materials/machinery and equipment are you purchasing from domestic companies?

Transport, catering, security, spare parts, conveyor belts, working clothes and equipment, etc.


What type of products/raw materials/machinery and equipment are you purchasing from domestic companies?

Green (raw) Oriental tobacco, spare parts, conveyor belts, working clothes and equipment, etc.


What are the required technological standards for a supplier? List the specific required standards.

ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001.


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